Craigville Theological Colloquy
July 7-11, 2025
Courage and Communion:
How Eucharistic Worship
Can Empower and Revive Churches
Registration will open April 1, 2025
In the New Testament church, the sacrament of Holy Communion kept hope alive in times of anxiety and fear. The world was a dangerous place for Christians, but when the congregation gathered at the table on Sunday, they experienced their sacred meal as the foretaste of a future banquet where everyone was welcome, and no one was abandoned or afraid.
In this century, can the sacrament have the same transformative power in our churches as it did for our ancestors? Can Eucharistic worship sustain community in a time when many of us are fearful for the future of our congregations, our country and our world? Can the Eucharist revive struggling churches and deepen a congregation’s commitment to justice and care for creation?

Keynoter and worship leader will be the Rev. Dr. Mary Luti, retired professor of Christian worship and preaching at Andover Newton Theological School (now Andover Newton Seminary at Yale) and formerly senior minister at First Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She is the editor of Do This: Communion for Just and Courageous Living published by Pilgrim Press.
About Craigville
Now in its 41st year, the Craigville Theological Colloquy brings together ordained and lay leaders in a unique experience of theological reflection and renewal. Gathering in historic Craigville Village on Cape Cod, the Colloquy offers a retreat setting with meaningful Eucharistic worship, inspiring music (including robust hymn-singing and meditative Taizé chant), daily services of the Word based on ancient monastic models for Christian prayer, small-group conversations, and opportunities for silence. The Craigville experience is both a learning experience and a time-out for summer vacation: afternoons are always free for participants to explore the Cape or enjoy the famous Craigville Beach.
Accommodations, Continuing Ed Credits, Scholarships
Accommodations include Craigville Inn on the Craigville Village Green and two residences with views of Nantucket Sound. Commuters can register at a lower rate. Continuing education certificates are available for ministers. Partial scholarships are available for those who cannot afford the full cost of registration, especially seminarians and other students. These are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
For a flavor of Craigville and its setting in nature, watch this video.